Participatory Exercises for Adaptation Training
Judy Oglethorpe
Happy VillageParticipants discover the importance of developing integrated adaptation options that consider the vulnerabilities of communities, species and ecosystems.
Lauren Kovach
Is it EBA or CBA?Participants explore the concepts of ecosystem-based adaption and community-based adaptation and learn that the two are complementary approaches to helping people adapt to climate change.
Shaun Martin
Understanding Your ClimateParticipants use their own knowledge to develop a seasonal calendar that looks at how climate is tied to social, economic and ecological aspects of their community.
Lauren Kovach
The 30 Minute Vulnerability AssessmentParticipants learn to apply the concepts of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity by conducting a vulnerability assessment for 3 villages at risk for floods and landslides.
Shaun Martin
Communicating AdaptationIn this role-playing exercise participants try to persuade a stubborn colleague to take action that will lead to successful or to stop a potentially maladaptive activity.
Making Reforestation "Climate-Smart"
Participants use this case study to decide whether or not to fund a grant proposal to restore degraded forests to adapt to changes in rainfall and temperatures.
Exploring Adaptation Options
Presented with 4 alternatives to reduce the vulnerability of sea turtles to increased sand temperatures, participants work in small groups to select the most feasible option.
Coming soon
Shaun Martin
Answer with Your FeetIn this icebreaker activity, participants and facilitators learn about characteristics and composition of the group and a little about one another in a fun and dynamic way. Particularly useful for large groups.
Shaun Martin
How has Climate Change Affected Your Life?In this icebreaker activity, participants get to know one another by sharing their experiences with climate change and how it has affected their personal and professional lives.